Roberta Palleschi

21 Μαΐου, 2020

Resilience and distance-learning: Key-Co System third training and new ways to build the post-pandemic phase

Last week, the third staff training of Key-Co System project should have taken place in Palermo. Staff of partner organizations would have gathered in Sicily from Spain, Germany and Greece to take part in a very inspiring experience
23 Ιανουαρίου, 2020

Key-Co System enters its third year of activity with the third transnational partner meeting in Cham, Germany

The third transnational partner meeting of Key-Co System project will take place in Cham, Germany, on 21st-22nd January and will be hosted by the partner organization VHS Cham. During the meeting, issues related to the progress of the project will be discussed in order to verify the state of the art of the implemented activities.
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