On 14-15-16 of February 2023 the LTTA in Athens was implemented. In a gorgeous setting, the European partners of the project shared their experiences and knowledge and faced other realities related to migration and learning/teaching L2 in several contexts. Conductors and speakers have enhanced the know-how and enriched it through active participation and role-playing.
The Athens training session highlighted key aspects of the Erasmus+ project on migration and refugee integration. It covered the project theme, the migration crisis in Greece and Europe, and explored Greek policies on integration and education for adult migrants and refugees. Workshops focused on innovative language teaching methods, such as game-based learning and art integration. The agenda also included visits to NGOs and church-based institutions offering language lessons to migrants, aiming to learn from successful practices in the field.
On 26, 27 and 28 September 2023 the teachers and professionals involved in the ALL IN project have been all together in Cham
(Germany), welcomed by our partner Internationale Projekte – Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. to exchange innovative
methods on how to improve the L2 learning in adult education through the digital tools.
It has been a 5-days LTTA meeting very important for all trainers, who had the opportunity to test one of the teaching proposals
which has been included in the ALL IN Guidelines (IO1). The highlight was definitely the practical task of walking in groups through the city of Cham and solving some tasks. Each group had to find different places and buildings to take away as souvenirs for a Canva booklet. The results were excellent.
On 30th and 31st March 2023 the ALL IN partners met in Florence (Italy) for sharing and exchanging the activities updates and for working together on the final version of the Guidelines for teaching a foreign language to people with a migration background.
Starting from a needs analysis and a country-based data collection it has developed an extremely useful guide on how to improve the teaching through informal methods.
The focus was on updating and finalizing the Guidelines for teaching a foreign language to individuals with a migration background. These guidelines, developed by the University for Foreigners of Siena based on a survey involving project partners, aim to highlight best practices and challenges in L2 teaching, drawing from the direct experiences of educators in the field. The meeting served as an opportunity to discuss project results, collaboration, and to identify future possibilities, including joint efforts in presenting an L2 teaching project for the European Union’s AMIF call.
On 21st and 22nd November 2023 the ALL IN partners met in Athens for sharing the Multiplier events’ results and to work together on the IO2 writing for the Modules on different informal methods on how to teach a foreign language to people with a migration background, such as sport, digital tools, theatre and gaming.
The focus was on sharing the first structure of every Module prepared one per partner. For all participants it was very useful
to be together in Athens to share their ideas and doubts on the IO2. Thanks to the coordination of Guaranì the partners have also
decided the further steps on the dissemination of results. On this topic, the partner Per Esempio Onlus has involved all in the
production of a video for the project presentation. To watch it visit the following link.
On the last 19th September, Asociación Guaraní has proposed the Multiplier Event dedicated to the IO1 results’ presentation in Madrid. It has been the occasion to share impressions and practical issues on the implementation of the Guidelines on innovative methodologies and approaches in teaching L2 to adults experiencing migration and displacement. The participants have had the opportunity to be protagonists of practical activities to test the effectiveness of the proposed exercises in the IO1.
On 27th October our partner COSPE onlus presented the Guidelines of our IO1 with a specific focus on teaching Italian through sport and playful approaches. It has been a great opportunity to invite the professor Raymond Siebetcheu of the Università per Stranieri di Siena, who has coordinated the data collection and research on the methodologies and innovative approaches implemented in our partner countries (Italy, Spain, Germany and Greece).
On 4th October, our partner Διορθόδοξο Κέντρο της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος (ΔΚΕΕ) Interorthodox Centre had the pleasure to welcome the new class of the “INTEGRATION – Greek Language – Greek Civilization” school and to involve them in the multiplier event of the project. They had the opportunity to present the ALL IN Guidelines and to exchange positive findings and to express the main
difficulties on how to implement L2 learning in different cultural contexts. The Program Directorate of the NGO “Apostoli” gives to the
people with a migration background living in Athens, the opportunity to be acquainted with the Greek language and get familiar with the Greek civilization, despite of their origin and religion, to have thus easier access to the labour market and to improve their lives.
On 21st September Per Esempio presented the ALL IN Guidelines during the Multiplier Event organised in Palermo. It has been a great opportunity to share our analysis of different informal tools on how to implement L2 learning in different cultural contexts.
Thanks to the presence of many teachers, youth workers and L2 facilitators it has been possible to exchange different point of views on the importance of informal tools to improve the competitiveness of L2 education for people with a migration background.
On 25th September the German partner Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. presented the “Guidelines on innovative
methods and approaches in teaching L2 to adults with migration and refugee experiences” to more than 20 people invited to the
initiative. The participants agreed that especially the part in the Handbook that presented the approaches of language learning was very helpful and most of them said that they are eager to try some of the methods themselves.