
Novembre 27, 2020

Theophilus Ntiakoh Adjei – Student at CPIA Palermo 2

Theophilus Ntiakoh Adjei is an adult learner from Ghana, attending the Italian School Institution CPIA Palermo 2. He is involved, together with other migrant learners, in the testing phase of the Didactic Tools related to the second and eighth Key Competences (Communication in foreign languages and Cultural awareness and expression). Being asked to express his level of satisfaction with the learning units already tested in the classroom, he shared with us his ideas and feelings about this experience. Thank you, Theophilus!
Novembre 27, 2020

Eva Salomonova – VHS Cham, Germany

The work carried out by the teachers implementing Key-Co System didactic tools seems to produce a nice little shift in the classroom routine. Let's have a look at what Eva, a German teacher from VHS Cham, has to tell us about her Key-Co experience.
Novembre 17, 2020


The Eu Skills profile Tool for Third Country Nationals is a multilingual tool designed by the European Commission to support early profiling of the skills of refugees, migrants and citizens of non-EU countries who are staying in the EU (third country nationals).
Novembre 16, 2020

What are the Key-Co System didactic tools?

The Eu Skills profile Tool for Third Country Nationals is a multilingual tool designed by the European Commission to support early profiling of the skills of refugees, migrants and citizens of non-EU countries who are staying in the EU (third country nationals).
Luglio 29, 2020

The Eu Skills profile Tool for Third Country Nationals is online

The Eu Skills profile Tool for Third Country Nationals is a multilingual tool designed by the European Commission to support early profiling of the skills of refugees, migrants and citizens of non-EU countries who are staying in the EU (third country nationals).
Luglio 1, 2019

A research, didactic tools, e-learning lessons and an online platform: Key-Co System improves digital tools for adult migrants learners and professionals in adult education

How can educational paths of adult migrants be fostered? How can teachers and educators in the field of adult education cooperate and develop innovative practices?
Aprile 20, 2019

Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures

This Eurydice report investigates what top-level education authorities across Europe do to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. It presents a […]
Febbraio 1, 2019

Key-Co System Training Course in Madrid

Duis porttitor vel, eros. Mauris nec adipiscing elit. Nam sed porta eget, neque. Pellentesque fringilla neque quis blandit venenatis.
Dicembre 1, 2018

A new intercultural approach to adult education, Key-Co System project starts in Palermo, Italy

Aenean ligula nunc, accumsan quam, lobortis fringilla, massa. Maecenas pellentesque dolor.
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