
Settembre 18, 2019

Key-Co System training course in Cham, Germany

From 23th to 27th September, the second training course developed by Key-Co System project will be held in Cham, Germany. Teachers and educators working in the field of adult education of migrants will take part to a 5-day seminar hosted by the German organization Volkshochschule Im Landkreis Cham e.v. (VHS Cham).
Luglio 1, 2019

A research, didactic tools, e-learning lessons and an online platform: Key-Co System improves digital tools for adult migrants learners and professionals in adult education

How can educational paths of adult migrants be fostered? How can teachers and educators in the field of adult education cooperate and develop innovative practices?
Aprile 20, 2019

Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures

This Eurydice report investigates what top-level education authorities across Europe do to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. It presents a […]
Febbraio 1, 2019

Key-Co System Training Course in Madrid

Duis porttitor vel, eros. Mauris nec adipiscing elit. Nam sed porta eget, neque. Pellentesque fringilla neque quis blandit venenatis.
Dicembre 1, 2018

A new intercultural approach to adult education, Key-Co System project starts in Palermo, Italy

Aenean ligula nunc, accumsan quam, lobortis fringilla, massa. Maecenas pellentesque dolor.
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